In the latest installment of the Tension Climbing Board Lords series, we welcome Maya Madere (multi-year US National Team Member) Helen Gillett (current US National Team Member) and our very own Kerry Scott (multi-time first female ascensionist) to battle two new boulders on both the Spray and Mirror Layout of the Tension Board 2.

The first boulder, "Message to Mary Hanback", is a sustained, technical roof climb at 60° on the Spray Layout.
👉 Try "Message to Mary Hanback": https://tensionboardapp2.com/climbs/E...

The second boulder, "Doomed User", forces an intricate, slopey comp-like sequence and is set at 40° on the Mirror Layout.
👉 Try "Doomed User": https://tensionboardapp2.com/climbs/C...

Watch as Kerry, Helen, and Maya fight the patriarchy one boulder at a time!
William Anglin