In the first episode of our "Boulder Progression" Series, we follow Kerry Scott through 10 new Tension Board 2 boulders.

Kerry’s Training Set, “Crimper’s Paradise”, starts at V1 and finishes at V10. Each boulder in the set focuses on a handful of climbing techniques that become increasingly more difficult as you move your way up the set. This format encourages systematic progression and lays the groundwork for skill recruitment.

Let us know in the comments if there are any specific skills/techniques you would like us to focus on in our next TB2 Boulder Set.

To enter the Giveaway:
- Subscribe to Tension Climbing
- Like this video
- And comment which of the "Crimper's Paradise" boulders is your favorite!

Also, we apologize for the slight rustling noise throughout the video. We encountered some technical difficulties with the mic setup.
William Anglin